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You are a professional : How can you order ?


You are a professional and you have a project requiring textile materials  ?
At Stragier you will find the expertise and the products you need.

In order to learn more about the different products and to get more information about professional items, you first have to create a Corporate Account.

Creating a Corporate Account at Stragier is very easy : 
You send your details and a short description of your activity at following address : info@stragier.com

  • the name of your company,
  • the billing address,
  • your name,
  • phone nr,
  • a description of your activity,
  • your website and/or blog
  • Very important, if you have one: your VAT number.

We treat your access request very quickly and contact you within 48 hours.

Last updated : 09/10/2024 06:53